I was just going to journal about my week and whats going on with my pregnancy and then I read Angie's Blog, Bring on the Rain... well she told a story of a couple she knows that lost their first child at 21weeks, then got pregnant again only to have her water break at 16 weeks, she has been in the hospital since. She is now 27weeks and went into labor they couldn't stop it and now their 2nd baby is in heaven with Jesus... Oh how my heart aches for this couple.. Although we know GOD has his plans it's so hard to understand and grasp such a thing... So as I talk about my complications I am overwhelmed with emotions knowing how blessed I am to have 3 healthy kids and be in my 31st week of pregnancy... I was really worried this week and I have to say I feel like it's not fair for me when people are going through that... I pray for that couple and hope you will too!
So the update on me is.... I am measuring 6 weeks further than I should (Im 30w measuring 36w) We had an ultrasound done on Wednesday that confirmed I have excess amniotic fluid which puts me in the high risk category for pre-term labor and my water breaking. Dr. H wants me to take it easy and really watch my activity level in hopes to carry little Mason for as long as possible. He is also measuring big for his age 85% so the doctor says.. He is right at 4lbs 4oz!!! So yes he will be a big baby!! I now will be seeing Dr. H weekly and having ultrasounds bi-weekly to monitor the fluid levels.. I am praying for a healthy baby whenever he decides to come =) So with that I will officially be a SAHM starting the 2nd week of June!! I can't wait to spend some time with the big kids before Mr. Mason gets here...
Ohhh, Let me know if I can do ANYTHING! I told ya, I am here for ya I don't care if it 3 in the morning:)