Sunday, August 30, 2009

Poor Baby...

This week has been a rough one for Logan. He started out with a stuffy nose which I thought nothing of because he's teething... Then Thursday the cough came, by 8pm I was a little worried because he had a slight wheeze. He woke up around 2am and was barley back to sleep by 5am, he couldn't breath and nothing seemed to help. So we made the trip to the dr Friday morning. The doctor said it was another ear infection... this is the 5th one in 6 months so we will be talking to a specialist about tubes. And he also had an infection and was wheezing pretty bad so he was put on the nebulizer with Albuteral for 5 days... Like I said poor baby, the first one he didn't want anything to do with that thing.. Today is day 3 and he is getting used to it. Now he holds on to it. He is doing a little better today but still has the wheeze.. I can't wait for our little guy to feel better...

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