Mason weighs 14lbs 15oz and is 25 3/4in long! He is in the 90% for height and 55% for weight. We think he is just perfect!
Things you are doing:
Wearing size 2 diaper
Wearing 6 month clothes
Nursing every 2 hours
Sleeping from 7:30~1:00 or 2:00 ( sometimes I get lucky and you will sleep until 4:00)
Smiling like crazy, all the time anytime we talk to you.
Just this past week you started to giggle and coo so much!
You love to play in the jumper and the saucer.
You sit in the Bumbo while I cook and do dishes and just love to watch me.
You sleep on your belly and started rolling over to your back.
You LOVE your binky
You kick your feet and most of the time it looks like your trying to run somewhere!
You do not enjoy your car seat AT ALL ( we are trying to make it more enjoyable!)
You love the church nursery, having everyone love on you!
Happy 4 months baby boy!
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